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Inside the mind of a hedge fund executive...

Imagine you’re a hedge fund CEO or senior executive.
You’ve always had an inflated ego, and going to Wharton for an MBA definitely didn’t help in that regard. You interned at GS for the summer of 2003 and told all your friends about it, probably even brought it up oh so casually on dates. When you were hired as a trader by a moderately good to great fund, you probably lost a good deal of friends from your previous life, because they “just don’t get you now.” You’re in a different league than them, even your classmates that now work at lesser funds. You act friendly, liking Facebook posts, returning their calls, but there’s a nagging feeling that they’re holding you back. That you’ve made it, and you don’t need some loser that doesn’t even work on the East Coast.
Jump ahead a few years
It’s September 20th, 2008. Bear Stearns closed months earlier, Lehman went bankrupt a few days ago. "Buddies" of yours from both funds have been texting you, some you know from college. Maybe you’ll take pity on them and put in a good word, maybe you’ll tell them nothing’s available right now and that you’re sorry. You don’t tell them you were part of your fund's effort to short sell theirs into oblivion. Maybe you really are sorry though. What you’re more sorry about, however, is that your bonuses are probably going to be shit for a few years. They could even dip into five figures, god forbid. Your thoughts are of course directed to the millions of people losing their jobs across the country by the news, but inevitably your bonus reduction resurfaces as your biggest concern. “It’s not like I can do anything,” you say, after downing some wine. You go to sleep fairly easily, while across the country, innumerable people are forced to contemplate moving.
Let’s jump ahead a few more years
It’s mid-March, 2020. At this point, its become evident that COVID-19 is going to ravage the world, in some capacity (not gonna put politics into this because that’s not the point). As either a CEO or senior executive at a mid-range hedge fund, your thoughts gravitate towards your craft. It’s clear the market is going to tank, so you do what you do best. You short the shit out of several clearly sinking industries ( But you don't stop there. You go on CNBC, Fox Business, maybe even the BBC, and announce doom and gloom. Doing this will get people to dump their stocks, meaning your shorts print even more money. Oh well, if there’s a positive to be gained from this whole thing it’s your fund making good money, right? By late March or early April, your wife convinces you that going with the kids to the Hampton’s would be the best choice, since the upper east side is getting a little claustrophobic. You’ll need to cancel your two week St. Barts vacation, what a bummer. You rent out a nice beach house in Sag Harbor for 125k a month, managing to beat out the other bidder by upping them by 10k. Once again, millions of people are losing their jobs, and you’re shorting the companies they work for. What else should you do?
Only a few months forward this time
It’s October. Weeks turned into months, and while you’ve started getting back to the city more and more, you’re still staying in Sag. Sometimes you have family friends over for an ostensibly socially distanced wine + cigar. You don’t think much of the events of the summer, aside from that one tweet you had PR send out in July. Your kids might have thoughts, you haven’t asked.
Just a few more months, I promise
It’s January. For really no other reason than the prospect of making more money, you along with a few other funds have decided to open naked shorts on GameStop. While technically not allowed, there are loopholes. Why would the loopholes be there, if not to be exploited, right? Not like you don’t do the same thing with your taxes.
Then, the unthinkable happens
A bunch of retail investors, led by a specific part of Reddit, decide to fuck your position by dramatically raising the share price. Since you firmly believe these people incapable of sticking to such an audacious play, you do nothing. Before long though, you start to become slightly unnerved by how steady the growth of the stock is. It's approaching $100, and you're losing hundreds of thousands to millions every day on short interest. So, you decide to take action. You get on CNBC, and cry about fundamentals. About volatility crushing these people. They don't listen, and keep buying. A week passes with you and your rich friends trying various strategies, none of it working. You're aware of another fund leaning on a popular trading app to force them into not accepting buy orders for GME, amongst others. You're not above sacrificing pride for money, so you announce your fund has closed its shorts. You're lying, of course. What kind of looks what you get at future parties if you cowed to these people? No, fuck that. You've read all the right books, been to the right schools, made the right friends, networked at the right parties and functions. You will not close, everything in your life has conditioned you not to. In fact, you'll double down. You go on CNBC some more. Artificially lower the stock price by trading between a few other funds. None of it's working, and you're intensely aware of another potential gamma squeeze on Friday. Restrictions on buying help during the day, but after hours, the stock jumps. That momentum carries it into a solid Friday. You won't budge, but at this point you're losing millions of dollars a day.
So, here we are
These people do not care about you. You're the least of their concerns, actually. They care about money and fund image, in that order. We have a real chance to make guys exactly like this hurt where it counts (for them), and I want people to understand that. I'm not saying throw your rent into GME. I'm saying you have the chance to really be a part of something, to screw the people that have been doing the screwing for your whole life. The house has been running a fixed casino, and you have the chance to hit back.
Do not close. We have them, and they know it. We're winning, and if we keep winning they will give in.
submitted by IASIPFL to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

"I think I've lived long enough to see competitive Counter-Strike as we know it, kill itself." Summary of Richard Lewis' stream (Long)

I want to preface that the contents of this post is for informational purposes. I do not condone or approve of any harassments or witch-hunting or the attacking of anybody.
Richard Lewis recently did a stream talking about the terrible state of CS esports and I thought it was an important stream anyone who cares about the CS community should listen to.
Vod Link here:
I realize it is 3 hours long so I took it upon myself to create a list of interesting points from the stream so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, although I still encourage you to do so if you can.
I know this post is still long but probably easier to digest, especially in parts.
Here is a link to my raw notes if you for some reason want to read through this which includes some omitted stuff. It's in chronological order of things said in the stream and has some time stamps.


CSPPA - Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association

"Who does this union really fucking serve?"

ESIC - Esports Integrity Commission

"They have been put in an impossible position."

Stream Sniping

"They're all at it in the online era, they're all at it, they're all cheating, they're all using exploits, probably that see through smoke bug got used a bunch of times"

Match Fixing

"How many years have we let our scene be fucking pillaged by these greedy cunts?" "We just let it happen."

North America

"Everyone in NA has left we've lost a continents worth of support during this pandemic and Valve haven't said a fucking word."


"TO's have treated CS talent like absolute human garbage for years now."


"Anything that Riot does, is better than Valve's inaction"

Closing Statements

"We've peaked. If we want to sustain and exist, now is the time to figure it out. No esports lasts as long as this, we've already done 8 years. We've already broke the records. We have got to figure out a way to coexist and drive the negative forces out and we need to do it as a collective and we're not doing that."

submitted by Tharnite to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

When the Product is free, you are the Product.

Mid level ladder is slightly rigged.
The MMR decides based off win streaks, win conditions, spell types, card levels, trophy gates, chest drops, past matchup win rates but mainly your Trophy count. This is where it gets it's pool of players. From people + or - 30 trophies from your current level. It would be most rigged in the trophy levels with the most players. 4000-6000 trophies.
I’d be willing to bet they have a profile on each account showing spending habits like when you typically close the app, times you've made purchases, POSSIBLY what other apps you open while CR is open in the background. It sounds a little conspiracy theory, which I hate, but you have games like CoD that will admit it. I personally think it's a good thing. It helps the game squeeze money for updates and development. (too bad the CR team can't do that in a timely manner but that's a different topic)
Sometimes it helps you, sometimes it doesn’t, but from a business stand point you never let it be random. You want to have a little control over when people win or lose because you can get people to play more which leads to a higher chance they spend more. The company would be stupid not to.
People need to understand these free games run off casino business models and the house always wins. It would be impossible to prove without a doubt without actually running their MMR program in a controlled setting. Unfortunately, it can always be written off as "bad luck" or "good luck". Other companies have admitted they do it. Why would supercell just skip that part?
It would make sense that it gets less and less rigged as you climb in trophies because they have a smaller pool to grab players from. But a 3rd party like Stats Royale can show you the percentage of YOUR win rates against certain cards when you run certain decks. If a 3rd party can do it, you best believe the developers are doing it. They know what you win and lose against and they give you a win if that shows you more likely to SPEND. They make you lose when they want you frustrated. You got to push above at least 6k to get out of it. Or just play challenges. CW2 has an even more convoluted algorithm.
This is normally a good thing, as it keeps everyone at the frustration levels they can handle and it helps the game we love grow. It's a bad thing with CR because they are purely using it for money, and they are not dumping anymore money back into the development of the game. The money from this game is going towards developing other games that they can turn into a casino based model. Take the information for what you will, the game is still the game, just know that the Tilt is real, and not fully in your control.
submitted by Jchayess to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

Wall Street short-sellers got what they deserve in GameStop squeeze - Gamblers lost billions - by (r/Socialist_) 29 Jan 2021

hat’s happening on Wall Street?
Investors have been rushing into the nearly bankrupt strip mall video game retailer GameStop faster than shoppers hoping to score a PlayStation5 at a Black Friday door-crashers sale. Suddenly, the company is valued more than big box tech behemoth Best Buy. Its shares are trading at a volume surpassing even the biggest stock of them all, Apple.
If you think it’s because GameStop suddenly re-invented the video game wheel, the answer is no. In fact, other than the hiring of a new CEO, not much at the company has changed since last year when a share of GameStop stock could be had for as little as $5. But at their peak (as of this writing) on the morning of Thursday, Jan. 28, the company’s shares hit $500 in premarket trading. Cumulatively, GameStop stock has skyrocketed 1,200% in the recent period.
With game enthusiasts embracing streaming subscriptions and turning away from plastic cartridges, many analysts have been predicting GameStop will soon be going the way of Blockbuster—another modern incarnation of video killing the radio star. So if GameStop did little, if anything, to turn around its sagging fortunes, why are its shares in such high demand?
The only thing that changed is that Wall Street powerhouse hedge funds and short-sellers have lost their monopoly on gaming the stock market casino.
The meteoric rise in GameStop shares—and to a lesser extent those of other troubled companies, like Bed Bath & Beyond, Blackberry, movie house AMC, and even candy maker Tootsie Roll—is being driven by the actions of a group of what the Wall Street professionals call dangerous amateurs.
Coordinating with each other on a section of the online platform Reddit called WallStreetBets, a huge number of relatively small-time investors (around 2.2 million of them by the most recent count) have teamed up to take on the big guys in a battle that has all the trappings of a Robin Hood tale.
The “short” in a nutshell
To understand the game plan of the WallStreetBets crowd, it’s necessary to know some of the lingo of Wall Street gambling—especially the concept of the “short.”
A short is when an investor essentially “borrows” a company’s stock from a broker. The investor then takes that borrowed stock and sells it on the market. The hope of the “short seller” is that the value of that company’s stock will drop before they are due to return their borrowed shares, allowing them to re-buy the stock at a cheaper price and return it to the broker—pocketing the difference as a profit.
In essence, they are placing a bet against a company’s future. They believe the company is worth less than the market is valuing it at, and when that reality sets in among others, then they will get to cash in on their foresight.
As an example, a short-seller may borrow a share of Company A and sell it for the current market price of $100. They do so because they believe Company A isn’t really worth $100 per share and eventually the price will drop. If they are right, and the price of Company A shares sink to $60, then the short-seller will re-buy the share at the new price and return it to the broker (called “covering the short”). The $40 difference is their profit.
If they are wrong, however, and Company A’s shares go up, then they will lose out on their bad bet. Let’s say that Company A shares go from $100 to $120. When the short-seller’s stock loan comes due, they have to buy a share at whatever the current price is and return it to the broker. Their loss in this case would be $20. But what if the price of Company A shares go even higher, to $150, $200, or $500?
In a regular stock transaction, when a person actually buys a share (as opposed to borrowing it like a short-seller does), their potential loss is capped at whatever they paid. You can’t lose more than you put in. But for a short-seller, the potential loss is actually endless. When the due date comes for their borrowed shares, they have to pay whatever it takes to cover their short.
Gambling against GameStop
Now, back to the real world and the GameStop situation.
A number of weeks ago, the “amateur” investors on WallStreetBets started focusing their attention on the huge hedge funds with massive short bets against GameStop. They targeted outfits like Melvin Capital and Citron Research that had taken short positions in GameStop and then spent months talking about how bad the company was (an intentional effort to drive down its share price).
The gambling against GameStop had gotten so extreme that there were over 71 million borrowed short shares out there, even though the company has only 69 million shares—short-sellers were “borrowing” stock that didn’t even exist! These Wall Street titans became the villains for the Reddit Robin Hoods. (Appropriately, Robinhood is the name of a popular trading app used by many of the so-called untraditional investors.)
WallStreetBets members fantasized about how great it would be to make these short-sellers scream by driving up the price of GameStop. Some believed that GameStop really had a chance to turn around and was being unfairly punished by the short-sellers; for others, it was simply the joy that would come from sticking it to the hedge funds.
They’d done it before, on a smaller scale, with other shorted companies. If they got together again and acted in unison with their dollars, they could inflict some real pain on Melvin and Citron.
Putting the squeeze on the short sellers
Within days, WallStreetBets (and others who followed in their wake) engineered what’s called a “short squeeze”—an escalation of a company’s share price that forces short-sellers to buy at an inflated value. Panicked traders at Melvin, Citron, and other big short-sellers reacted exactly as predicted: They scrambled to cover their shorts, knowing that the longer they waited, the more they risked losing.
By the middle of this week, the short-sellers were surrendering. Citron’s managing partner Andrew Left admitted the company had to cover its short Tuesday afternoon at “a loss of 100%.” As for Melvin Capital, it was only kept afloat by an injection of $2.75 billion in funds from other asset management firms. Data from financial analytics firm S3 Partners shows that GameStop short-sellers have collectively lost more than $5 billion in the month of January alone.
The masters of finance on Wall Street are, to put it mildly, pissed. This is a crowd that has enjoyed pretty much unrestrained power for decades, dodging the efforts of governments and activists to rein them in. To be outmaneuvered by a bunch of millennials on the internet has them seeing red—both literally and metaphorically.
Traditional stock market analysts and financial commentators are musing about whether the coordinated moves of WallStreetBets are illegal. Many are urging the Securities and Exchange Commission to chase down what they’re characterizing as a “pump and dump” scheme. They are crying out for help from the same regulators they themselves spend all their time avoiding and undermining.
These are the guys who brought us the financial crisis of 2008-09 and the Great Recession. They’re the ones who have made billions of dollars off the pandemic in the past year while the rest of the country lost their jobs and homes—or died from coronavirus. Whatever losses they’re experiencing now are certainly well-deserved.
That makes it very tempting to cheer on the WallStreetBets crusaders. Richard Smith, a market behavior analyst at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles, described their role to Markets Insider: “You have these media-driven platforms where the media isn’t controlled by the institutions in the way that it has historically been.” He characterized this as “a sign that the institutions are losing control.”
Heroes or same-old capitalists?
But WallStreetBets is not necessarily a den of folk heroes or investors driven by some social conscience. Some are saying they plan to make charitable donations with some of their winnings, but other forum members are simply bragging about all the money they’ve made from outsmarting the old Wall Street. One of the key ringleaders of the short squeeze effort, someone who goes by the username DeepFuckValue, claims to have turned a $50,000 GameStop investment into $20 million amidst the chaos.
Undoubtedly some of the more talented among the WallStreetBets crowd will be recruited to join the ranks of top firms—rebels eventually co-opted by the system. Others will get too caught up in the euphoria and eventually lose all their money when the bubble bursts. And let’s face it, this is capitalism—the bubble always bursts.
It’s also necessary to remember that the most powerful segments of finance capital usually find a way to shift the price for their gambling onto the rest of society by one means or another (remember the bailouts for the “too big to fail” banks?). It would be delusional to think that Wall Street isn’t making moves to offload its losses and go on the offensive.
The empire of high finance is already striking back. By Wednesday evening, the WallStreetBets forum on Reddit had gone dark, for reasons not yet clear. The WallStreetBets server on Discord was shut down. On Thursday morning, brokers started implementing restrictions on GameStop trades, raising expectations that more action will be taken by the establishment to regain control.
Taking note of the fact that trades in GameStop, AMC, and other shorted stocks were now blocked on the Robinhood platform, one Twitter user observed, appropriately, “The free market is only free until rich people lose money.”
Wall Street’s control over our society won’t be meaningfully challenged by simply replacing one group of gamblers with a different, younger group of gamblers. It wasn’t the robbers like Bonnie and Clyde that beat the banks and fought back against the Great Depression in the 1930s—it was the coalition of labor, African-American, and other people’s movements that won the New Deal and put capitalism on notice.
Now, as then, only organized political struggle by the working class and democratic movements has the potential to upend the power of finance capital for good and allow us to collectively decide our future.
So we can enjoy a laugh at the misfortunes of the hedge funds and short-sellers, but then we have to keep organizing.
submitted by finnagains to leftwinger [link] [comments]

What Is A Video Poker Game All About?

The video poker is one of the games of the late seventeen century. This was one of the main attraction for the club and children of that time. At that time, video poker was known as a giant gaming machine. When the casino started, at that time, the gamblers use to test their skill with the computer as an opponent. In video poker game the computer is your opponent, and it will do all shuffling, etc. The only goal of a player in video poker is to keep the best five-card poker hand. This will help the player to win the game.
What are the stages of the video poker game?
As discussed before that, your opponent is your computer. So it is being designed in an AI programmed way so that it can give the feel of late 70s version of video poker. Mentioned below is the basic structure across all the stages of the game.
What are the different types of video poker game?
There are many types of video poker game available, and you can enjoy them if you install video poker app on your device. Following are the popular types of video poker game:
Jacks or better
This is of the most commonly played types of video poker game. If you go with the name, you can easily deduce that you must possess five card pokers at the end of the round. And these five cards should have a pair of a jack or the higher card to win.
Joker Poker
In case of this variant of poker game, an additional two joker cards are mixed. This helps to increase your chances of getting a strong poker hand.
All American
Once you start playing All American variant, you will find that the increased payout is usually offered to the flushes and straights. Thus, you can say that the only difference in this variant of the video poker game is the winning payout.
Deuces Wild
In case of Deuces wild variant of the video poker game, the 2s act as the wilds. This means that if you get a card number 2 of any suit, you can transform it based on your choice. Thus, you should always keep in mind never discarding a 2s card for Deuces wild video poker game.
If you want to enjoy a different variant of the video poker app, you can try a real money poker app. You can also earn real money from it.
submitted by ranveerjaffrey to u/ranveerjaffrey [link] [comments]

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Fruits 4 Real Casino 100 gratis spins and €375 free bonus code

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submitted by casinogy to u/casinogy [link] [comments]

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Keep reading to become an expert on this subject matter. Online casinos have come to give more color to life. If you do not make a change, nobody else will. It is time to thrive and be happier than yesterday.

Explosino Casino Slots

Slot machines are considered as the star of casinos. This game makes anyone sweat for a while by playing it. The game consists of depositing an allowed currency, pressing the bottom of the machine and betting your fortune. Basically, this game can make you richer if you do it well.
The trip is about slot machines, it is to be patient, to be persistent, and have courage to give it all till the end. In order for you to get where you want to, you will need to prove yourself that you can do it, and playing these types of games can be a great example for that.
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Explosino Casino Games

This is by far, the most famous section of this amazing gambling site. Here, you will be able to find more than two thousand online and well-designed games that will fill your day with joy and hope to aspire to a better future.
When paying any of the games that Explosino has for you, you will travel to a dimension that is surrounded by new ideologies and perspectives of living and enjoying existing on this planet. The games of Explosino can vary depending on your personal taste. There are games focused on making you earn a lot and making you spend unforgettable times when playing them.
Some games you can find at this site are:
  • Fire and Ice
  • Wild Dragon
  • Hot Twenty
  • BlackJack
  • Queen of Atlantis
Of course, there are thousands of games, but, you will have the freedom of playing the ones you like the most. You can be sure that; impositions are not allowed at this online casino. You can play whatever you want, whenever you want.

Deposit/Withdrawal Methods

Fortunately, Explosino Casino handles a long list of prestigious banks that can help you make transactions easily. Explosino, from its establishment, has worked to develop a gambling site that inspires trust to any new user. The site has thought of everything in order to create an online casino that adapts to people’s needs.
Some bank institutions that Explosino handles are Visa, Skrill casino deposits and also Bitcoin. You can find the long list of banks on the official website of Explosino. You will also find every step you will need to take in order to transfer and receive money thanks to the time you have spent playing and earning.
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Explosino Casino Bonuses & Promotions

From the very first moment you register, you automatically receive a warm and welcome bonus that will permit you to move forward within the site. This platform is very kind with all new customers that want to invest their money and bet until the end. The bonuses you will get from it, they will make you see the site with different eyes.
In life, you need to start from zero in order to aspire for better staff in the future. Well, at Explosino Casino starting from zero can be more motivating and fun from a perspective that tends to change people’s minds.
There are also bonuses focused on the people who have been playing within the platform for a long time. This type of bonus permits those people to get higher positions and place them in VIP categories that only they deserve. This is considered as a prize that only the faithful users get. You can see the specific amount of money you will receive as a welcome bonus at the official website of Explosino. Everything is detailed perfectly.


Do not worry if you do not speak certain languages… At Explosino Casino, you will be able to find options that will permit you to select the language you speak. Some most spoken languages at Explosino are English, Russian, Chinese, German for online casino, among others. Communication here is not considered as a problem anymore.


Explosino currently counts on a license that gives it all the qualities and powers to operate without any restrictions on the internet, and at any jurisdiction that it is allowed to work. This is helpful for the online casino because it transmits an environment of legality and trust to any user who might perhaps have doubts about the credibility of the gambling site.


Accessing to Explosino is easier than you think. By only counting on an internet connection and a device, you will have the chance to enjoy the benefits and great games this casino has for you. Currently, there is not any App that you can download in order to access Explosino. Take into account that this site can be found on the internet by only entering its web address.
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Explosino Casino Support

As any human being, you will never have all the answers on your hand, that is why Explosino Casino counts on some of the most qualified and smart teams that will provide you all the information in order to succeed and move forward within the casino. You can find the team and get in touch with them through a live chat that can be found at the official website of Explosino. You can get in touch with them through email or, through a phone number. Doubts are not allowed in this site. If you have any questions, then, now you know where to find the best answers for them.

Explosino Live Casino

One of the most stunning things about this online casino, it is the opportunities it gives you to interact with others. One of the best things about playing games, it is the fact of exchanging messages and ideas with others. Besides, this might help you know more cultures and ways of thinking due to the connection Explosino has with other countries. This is a one of the kind gambling site. Do not waste the chance to meet other people thanks to this gambling site.
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Our Experience

If you really want to leave poor income behind, then Explosino Casino is certainly for you. This amazing online casino can give you all the tools you need to succeed and become a better person mentally. The bonuses, games and chances to live new experiences are on the corner. You only need to know when to act in order to move forward in life.
Explosino can be enjoyed from any place in the world. There are few countries that are restricted to access such as The United States of America, United Kingdom, France, among others. What are you waiting for? If you want to earn money and have good times, then join Explosino now and start dreaming big. There are no gambling sites like this one.
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ZigZagSport €10 free bet bonus no deposit required

ZigZagSport €10 free bet bonus no deposit required

ZigZagSport No Deposit Bonus
Claim €10 Free Bet Bonus to ZigZagSport Casino! They offer this special promotion to new players who register via a special landing page (click on the link below). Plus, get a 100% match bonus and 200 free spins on popular slot machines. Good luck!
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ZigZagSport Overvieww

Modern yet minimalistic, ZigZagSport certainly has a style that will appeal to many, especially those who love their bookmakers with a classic look. But when we look deeper, will we find a site that is just as timeless?
It’s tough to know what to think about ZigZagSport at first. Your initial impression will either be of relief at seeing a site that isn’t overflowing with gimmicks, or concern that the space found on the homepage is indicative of a lack of content.
A closer inspection suggests that this is unlikely to be the case, with plenty of promising options clearly present. This includes their 100% Bonus on Sport offer, alongside the site’s availability in multiple languages such as Danish, Polish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Romanian and English.
These are all clear indications that there’s far more beneath the site’s classically designed surface. But there’s still plenty more to uncover so let’s zig zag through the ups and downs of this betting site to see if it can rise above the competition.
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While we appreciate that ZigZagSport feels confident enough in its product to not have their promotions plastered all over the betting sheets, we do have to point out, that at the time of writing, they do only have three available to customers.
Of course, how much a huge promotions list matters to you down to personal preference and we would much rather have three excellent promotions than 10 bad ones. With that being said, more could not hurt. But we are optimistic in this regard because ZigZagSport is still a new betting site and the promotional page is one area which is more likely to change than anything else.
With that in mind, we’ll be taking a look at what is available bonus wise at the time of writing. Do keep in mind that terms and conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the site, but we will do everything we can here to provide you with as comprehensive a look at what to expect as possible.
First off, we have that that 100% Welcome Bonus on Sport. You’ll need to deposit a minimum of €10 to a maximum of €50 to receive a bonus matching that amount. This is only available for those who are depositing for the first time and can only be redeemed within the first 48 hours from when the deposit is made.
The wagering requirement here is 8x, which is very competitive. The bonus remains on the account for 14 days, with minimum odds of 1.90 on single bets. Express bets also qualify with a minimum of two events with minimum odds of 1.50 for each to qualify. One important, and rather unusual note, here is that you have to contact customer service to receive the bonus.
The next sports-based promotion is Express Race. It’s a promotion aimed at users betting on what they call “express bets” but are generally known as accumulator bets. This is where you bet on several unrelated events to gain larger odds and potential winnings. This promotion further boosts your odds by up to 25% based on how many bets you have made. For instance, 3-5 bets will net you a 10% boost, while over 15 bets will get you the full percentage.
You will need a minimum of three bets to qualify, with each requiring a minimum of 1.50 odds. This is an excellent promotion which is both creative and provides real value. Do note though that the promotion is only available on weekends.
Although some people will no doubt want more, we are impressed by the promotions that ZigZagSport have, and it does show that quality is more important than quantity.
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We mentioned before that one of our key concerns was that ZigZagSport’s minimalist design might be one which is there to help facilitate a lack of content, even though first impressions were good. Happily, that appears to not be the case.
There’s a fine selection of sports to bet on here, including tennis, football, ice hockey, basketball, volleyball and much, much more. Just as important is that in the coverage of these sports, they don’t just stick to the major leagues. This means that there’s plenty of options within those sports categories. Using football as one example, they cover the Champions League, Europa League, Premier League, Bundesliga, Serie A, Primera Division, Ligue 1 and the Euro league, to give you just a few options.
Not only that but there’s just as much choice when it comes to bet types. For instance, in the Champions League, they have over 900 options for bets on a single event. How do they reach those kinds of numbers? By including markets like Race to Two Goals, Both Teams to Score, Total Goals, Goal from 1 to 35 minutes, Asian Handicap Bets, Winning Margins and much more. The amount of choice here is truly staggering and when you combine that with e-sports and specials selections, you have a very well-rounded set of options.
In addition to the sportsbook, the site also is a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, with slots, casual games and even a live casino. However, there is one area in which ZigZagSport is unfortunately lacking and that’s virtual sports. How much that matters to you depends on your personal tastes, as virtuals aren’t for everyone. But having them included can only increase their demographic and appeal.
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Unfortunately, there is no mobile app at the time of writing, which is something we honestly expected from a website this early on in the market. While these things are preferable, we are more forgiving when a smaller site doesn’t have something like an app because the reasons are usually practical rather than due to a lack of effort.
That is especially the case when there’s a dedicated mobile version of the site via your browser which works as well as this one does – with nothing, as far as we can, being lost in the switch to the smaller screen. The kind of minimalist design which ZigZagSport favours lends itself to an intuitive, easy to use mobile experience.
Of course, having an app would be preferable. Whether or not that is something in line for the future remains unknown, because as polite as customer service was, they were unable to give us any kind of timeline in this regard.


Much of what we said in the previous section also applies here. Generally speaking, it would be quite unusual for a site at this early stage to have extensive live streaming, especially when it comes to bigger tournaments. This is because there is often issues with licensing, which means that often, only the most successful and established brands are capable of providing such a service.
However, ZigZagSport clearly does the best it can it this regard, providing constant updates and even graphics so you can get an idea of the action that is unfolding as you place your live bets. The amount of effort that has gone into this element of the site is obvious and is also complimented by the excellent website design. This allows them to provide such fast-paced information in a setting which makes it easy to digest and doesn’t feel overwhelming.
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There’s a wide variety of banking options for customers at ZigZagSport, providing the site with a truly international appeal. These include ecoPayz, WebMoney, Visa, Mastercard, PaySafeCard, Neteller, SoFort, SafetyPay, Euteller, MBMULTIBANCO, TrustPay, Skrill, Neosurf and Poli. Several currencies are also accepted including EU, PLN, RUB & SEK, which should also give you a clear idea of the target markets here.
While the selection is good, more information should be included in the FAQ regarding things like fees and transaction times. The site has a good reputation in this regard though, so we will view this as a rare structural oversight.


One area in which ZigZagSport deserves massive praise is in its customer service. We’ve reviewed countless sites and we would put the customer service team here amongst the absolute best we have come across. For example, when we asked them to explain what an Express Bet was, their response managed to be both detailed and thoughtfully put so we could easily understand the concept while not being bombarded by technical detail.
Fast, friendly and informative, we really couldn’t have asked for more. Not only that but the team are available 24/7 via e-mail, live chat or phone. Top marks all around for our interactions with the staff at ZigZagSport.
Unfortunately, they are slightly let down by their FAQ section, which could be more detailed in certain areas than it is – particularly in banking which is an issue we mentioned in our previous section. One last flaw is that the live chat is only available in English and Russian and can’t make the site translations for variety. We understand that having such diversity on the customer service team is a tall order, but considering how impressive ZigZagSport have been elsewhere, we hoped they would pull another one out of the bag here.
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In terms of reliability, with this being a relatively new site and a lack of feedback we could find in our research means we don’t think we can say anything too conclusive about the general consensus from customers. However, the signs are all looking good.
What we can find is positive and perhaps more important than that is a lack of negative feedback. This is because people – especially when it comes to betting sites – are far quicker to criticise than compliment. When you combine that with our overwhelmingly positive experience with the site, we would say that – while reputation comes with time – ZigZagSport is well on its way in the regard.
We can’t speak for anyone else but we had no issues during our time with ZigZagSport in terms of reliability or security. Everything from banking to customer service was all world-class and if this can be considered a typical experience with the site, then we think we will see that positive reputation become more and more well known as the years roll by.
Moving onto the more practical side of things, ZigZagSport is licensed by Curacao and has an extensive privacy policy ensuring that your data is handled responsibly. They are also RNG certified, so their games are proven fair by an independent body. Finally, they are clearly committed to responsible gaming, providing advice and sources to help those who may need assistance. The only improvement we’d suggest is to make these options available at the deposit stage.


We were impressed by the welcome bonus for the sportsbook, and there’s more of the same on the casino side of things. This is a 100% welcome bonus up to €200 but does come with a wagering requirement of 40x. The minimum deposit is €10, which is also the maximum stakes for active bonus wagering per game. Additionally, bets on roulette, card games, baccarat and craps do not count towards the bonus.
The wagering requirement is a jump from what we saw on the sportsbook but that is always the case when comparing casino to sportsbook promotions. All in all, this is a very competitive offer considering what else is out there, if not as impressive as the sportsbook promotions.
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There are areas which could be improved at ZigZagSport. However, these are generally either oversights which, although annoying – like a need for a more detailed FAQ section – shouldn’t ruin anyone’s gaming experience. Or they are in an area which will only affect a certain part of their potential user base, like the lack of virtual sports. Of course, if the latter is very important to you, then you should look elsewhere. But for most other people, we think that ZigZagSport has more than enough to justify them as your pick as your preferred bookmaker.
This is simply a case where a site does so many things well that the few areas which could be improved pale in comparison. When you combine this with – what for many people will be – the very compelling classic design, then you might not have a perfect site, but you could have the perfect site for you. If you’re looking for a straightforward but in-depth gaming experience, and aren’t interested in too many bells and whistles, then ZigZagSport makes for an excellent choice.
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Whamoo Casino - free spins, no deposit bonus, promotion

Whamoo Casino Review & Free Bonus
Sign up with Whamoo Casino and test slots in freeplay - No Deposit Required! Additionally, take advantage of 300 Free Spins and up to 600 EUUSD Welcome Bonus. Exclusive promo codes apply. Click on the link below and start playing for free!
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About Whamoo Casino [Full Review]

Whamoo is a brand new, fun-loving online casino that has recently opened its premises for gamblers from many countries around the world. It does however promise to be more than just an online casino, as Whamoo describes itself as a lifestyle and feeling.
The rush you feel when the reels spin. The sound you make when that spin turns into a huge win. That’s Whamoo. Yet Whamoo is so much more than that. This online casino promises all you would expect from a reputable online casino – but then improved further. A massive game library? Check. Live casino? Check. Full mobile compatibility? Check. An entire VIP bonus programme for loyal customers? Check. Whamoo is a casino which comes with the entire package which players have come to expect of a casino provider.
On paper Whamoo sounds like a great online casino. But being a newcomer on the scene, there are of course always some open questions. How reliable is Whamoo? What can you expect from this brand new casino when it comes to the available games? How cooperative is their online help desk? What kind of welcome bonuses are there for new players who wish to open an online account?
In our extensive Whamoo review, we will try to answer all of the above questions and guide you through this brand new casino. So do read on and let’s explore this exciting new addition to the world of online gambling!
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A fully licenced online casino

Whamoo is a fully licenced online casino and a safe place for gamblers to put down their wagers. The website of is operated by DialMedia Ltd, a company registered by the Malta Business Registry with number C86642, on the registered address of Depiro Point, Block A2, Triq Mons G. Depiro, Sliema, Malta.
As gambling operator, DialMedia Ltd. fully licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) under licence number MGA/B2C/542/2018 issued on 10/04/2019.
What does this say about the reliability of Whamoo?
The MGA licence is one of the better ones you can find in the online casino world as Malta is the major European nation when it comes to online gambling. It is home not only to most of the world’s top online casinos, but also to many software providers and other businesses providing auxiliary services in the gambling industry.
A Malta Gaming Authority licence is not handed out with ease, as a company needs to fulfil many criteria before being granted one. The national gambling authorities of this Mediterranean island and EU member state check for example if all games which are made available are indeed fair and honest. They also check whether a company has enough cash reserves to pay out lucky winners of casino games and hold regular audits to ensure that there are no irregularities.
If an online casino has a MGA licence, it means that all the important criteria when it comes to safety, honesty and reliability are fulfilled and that it is a safe place to gamble. For us, the online casino licence is always a first thing we check before we even would consider playing somewhere. With this crucial criteria being fulfilled, we can thus move forward in our Whamoo review and look at all the other things this casino has to offer. And to be honest, the whole Whamoo package looks quite promising! Three of the main selling points of the Whamoo online casino are:
Whamoo clearly sounds like a promising casino when looking at the selling points, but do these points hold up when we test out the casino in real? Let’s continue our review of Whamoo with one of the most important aspects of every online casino: its game library. Which casino games can we find back in the Whamoo game collection? How honest and fair are these games? These are all legit questions which must be looked into before you can decide whether or not an online casino is suitable or not.
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Games from top software developers

When checking the list of Whamoo’s software providers you can only feel relieved as this brand new online casino only has games from the world’s top casino games developers. Especially for a newly opened online casino it is important to show to the public that you are talking serious – and you can only do that by adding the most popular games from the top software providers to your game library.
It’s not only about fun. Sure, these top software developers are known for making some of the most fantastic video slots, stellar table games. They have the most exhilarating and professional live casino tables to which you can connect in just a few clicks. But it’s more than just playing fun, graphics and game design.
By only having games from the top software companies, you are giving your players a clear message that you are only satisfied with the best quality games. Perhaps the most important aspect is game reliability, honesty and fairness. All games from the top software companies are fully tested and accredited by regulatory bodies. These gaming authorities check whether games indeed turn out completely random results and give gamblers a honest shot at winning. This is perhaps even more important than just a fantastically designed game, as in the end what matters most is reliability and honesty inside a casino.


The games which can be played at Whamoo Casino all have a piece of code called a Random Number Generator (RNG). With a random number generator, the outcome of every game is completely random and independent from previous results. It means that every card being dealt on the table, all dice which are thrown during a game, and every ball spinning around in the roulette wheel is never predetermined. Let’s put it this way: if you throw a single dice with the numbers 1 to 6 on it, you have indeed an exact 1 out of 6 chance that it will land on your predicted number.
A random number generator is absolutely crucial when it comes to delivering fair game results and giving gamblers a honest chance at winning. By having games from the top software providers, Whamoo makes sure that you can trust the fairness of every casino game you play. The good thing is that not only are the game results subject to occasional audits by regulatory authorities, but that these software providers also pro-actively test their own games to ensure they fulfil the highest industry standards. They hire independent testing agencies such as eCOGRA to check their games, both in virtual simulations and real-time results.
Let’s take a look at the software providers whose games have already been added to the Whamoo game library. As these are some of the best known software developers in the world, chances are that you have heard about some of these names before!
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Also known by its full name of Net Entertainment, NetEnt is one of the largest casino game developers in the world. NetEnt is a Swedish company which was founded in 1996, which makes it one of the oldest companies in the relatively young world of online casino gaming. It is so big, that the company is even listed on the local NASDAQ stock exchange in Stockholm, Sweden!
NetEnt is best known for its vast video slot portfolio, of which many games are also playable at Whamoo. Having NetEnt games in your casino game library is almost a must for every online casino, as besides Whamoo some 300 or so more online casinos have NetEnt games available, which tells you something about the popularity of this company. Just like Whamoo itself, NetEnt has a full gambling licence in the EU member state of Malta, which means that all games are subject to regulatory oversight and can be trusted for their fairness. NetEnt also works closely together with independent testing labs to ensure that their games meet the highest standards.
Some popular NetEnt games which you can play at Whamoo are Jack and the Beanstalk, BerryBurst, Twin Spin, The Vikings, Wings of Riches, Aloha!, Fruit Shop, Jacks or Better, Gonzo’s Quest, Dazzle Me, Wild Bazaar and of course the eternal favourite of Starburst.


Pragmatic Play is another major company in the online gaming world. The casino games of Pragmatic Play are always popular with the players, so it is no surprise that Whamoo has chosen to add quite a few Pragmatic Play games to its online collection. Pragmatic Play focuses mostly on online video slots, although they also make some exciting live casino games which are hosted in their own studios.
Being only founded in 2015, Pragmatic Play is a relative newcomer within the game developing industry. Yet in those few years time, the company already managed to reach to top heights with Pragmatic Play being considered to rank among the top game providers. Quality and safety are of immense importance for Pragmatic Play. Therefore, all games are documented and tested by independent auditors and testing labs such as QUINEL, BMM and Gaming Labs.
Popular Pragmatic Play games which can be played at Whamoo are John Hunter and the Aztec Treasure, Great Rhino Megaways, Leprechaun Song, Lucky Dragons, Mustang Gold, The Champions, Vegas Nights, Aztec Gems, Buffalo King, Starz Megaways, Triple Jokers, Magic Crystals, Sugar Rush, Beowulf and many more exciting video slots.
Of course, many baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants are available in Whamoo’s Live Casino which is powered by Pragmatic Play software. You are connected by high resolution video feed to professional dealers and croupiers in one of the Pragmatic Play casino studios where you can experience the thrills of a real life casino behind your computer or mobile phone. It’s almost like you are standing in Vegas!


Stakelogic is another popular software developer which has added its games to the Whamoo game library. As one of the best-known developers in the software industry, it is always a good sign that Stakelogic games are available to play given that this company has made some exciting video slots.
Using HTML5, Stakelogic games are of course fully mobile compatible, which means you can play them on your smartphone as well. The company has also made some exciting new 3D slots which are not only gorgeous to look at but also wild fun to play. As an off-shoot company from gaming giants Novomatic, Stakelogic certainly is a reputable software developer which can be trusted when it comes to fairness and reliability.
Popular Stakelogic games are Epic Slam, Wild Stallion, Magic Wheel, Super Wild Arcade, Fruit Spinner, Lucky Gems Deluxe, Hot Fruits, Grand Slam Deluxe, Runner Runner, Turbo 4 Player Jackpot, Dragons and Magic, Big 5 Jungle Jackpot, Mariachi and The Big Cash Game.
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High limit gaming options

Whamoo is an online casino which is not only suitable for gamblers on a tight budget, but also for the true high rollers. You can place bets as low as a few cents, or as high as several thousands of euros or dollars at this online casino. Depending on your game of choice, whether its a jackpot video slot or classic table game, there are countless of options to bet big for maximum excitement and chances of winning top prizes. Further down in this Whamoo review, we will discuss some of the high limit games which are available.
Highrollers should also note that Whamoo comes with its own VIP programme in which you can quickly work yourself to the top category if you bet big. You can get instant access to your own dedicated casino manager and will get invites to high stakes tournaments. There are special weekly cashback bonuses as well for the true high roller gamblers at Whamoo. We will discuss the VIP program more in depth a bit further down this Whamoo review.
For now, let’s take a look at all the high roller games which are available at Whamoo Online Casino!

Endless rows of jackpot video slots

If you are a real lover of video slots you will be glad to hear that Whamoo has several hundreds of online video slots available. Although some of these slots are more suitable for beginning players or those on a tight budget, there are plenty of slots available where you can bet up to 100 euro/dollar per spin. This makes for some exhilarating and thrilling slot game action which will please any high stakes gambler out there!
Of course, Whamoo also has its share of jackpot slots where you have a shot at winning the progressive jackpot which can run well above a million euro or dollar! These premium slots, such as those using the famous Megaways system, offer countless of opportunities to place maximum bets at your video slot of choice.
Check the Whamoo game library whether or not your favourite slot is available as well, or try one of the many exciting new game additions! It is easy to browse through the Whamoo website. You can sort slots by software provider, or use the search function to check for your beloved title.

Join for some high stakes blackjack action

Blackjack has always been one of the most popular games among high rollers and the reasons why are quite clear. You can often bet high amounts of money on a single play and you can as a player slightly influence the outcome of a game as you need to decide whether you want to stand or hit another card.
At Whamoo, there is plenty of high stakes blackjack action. There are both normal blackjack games such as American Blackjack and multihand Blackjack, as well as blackjack tables in the live casino. In the live casino, which is powered by Pragmatic Play software, you can play several blackjack variants. Bets of up to several hundreds of euros or dollars, or even higher for the real VIPs, are possible.
Beat the hand of the dealer and hit that score of 21. Maybe it will be your lucky day playing blackjack at Whamoo Online Casino!

Grab a seat at the roulette table

There is plenty of roulette action at Whamoo as well. You can choose between virtual roulette versions, or opt for a seat at a roulette table in the live casino, where you are connected to a real-time croupier by video feed. Especially in the live casino high bets of up to a thousand dollar or more are possible, making roulette a big favourite among the real high stake gamblers.
Of course, Whamoo Casino has all of the the standard roulette versions of American Roulette, French Roulette and European Roulette. Most of these games are developed by software giants NetEnt.
In the live casino, there is also Roulette Macao Live, where you will be connected to a gaming environment which makes you feel like you are playing in the famous casinos of this Chinese gambling mecca. Live Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Azure are popular Pragmatic Play live casino versions of roulette which are available to Whamoo players.
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Whamoo's unique bonus package

One area in which Whamoo stands out as online casino is its great bonus package. Of course, there is a great welcome bonus for newly registered users. But the fun doesn’t stop there! At Whamoo casino, it is bonus day almost every single day of the week. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays the casino has recurring bonus offers if you reload you bankroll on one of those days. This makes Whamoo not only an attractive casino at the moment you sign up, but also at all those moments when you come back to play again.
300 free spins or a €200 deposit bonus

The Whamoo welcome bonus

We start of discussing the Whamoo welcome bonus which is called the “Welcombo” bonus by the casino. On a picture the Welcombo might not look too appealing as its packed in a carton takeaway box you might get at a certain fast food restaurant, but trust us on this: its contents are truly fantastic.
The Welcombo box contains a combination of goodies you get with your very first deposit at Whamoo. And what is best of all? You can decide what combo you want to receive! If you sign up at Whamoo for a free online casino account, you can determine your own bonus by adjusting the slide until you have found a combination which matches your idea of a perfect bonus.
This is a great option as it allows people to choose the bonus which best suits them. You can choose between free spins and a deposit bonus – or a combination of both. If you are an avid video slot gamer and do not care much about table games, you may want to slide all the way to the maximum free spins bonus. In that case, you will receive 300 free spins, but your deposit bonus will be 0%. The free spins in the Welcombo package are valid on the popular Amatic Industries slot Book of Fortune.
On the other hand, if you only care about table games and are not really interested in free spins and playing video slots, you want to adjust the slide to the maximum deposit bonus. This is a 100% deposit bonus of up to 200 euro. This means that if you deposit 200 euro of your own money to your newly created online casino account, Whamoo will top this up by another 200 euro from the house! If you select the full 100% deposit bonus, you will however not receive any free spins at all.
Of course, you can also opt for a mix between free spins and a deposit bonus. If you leave the slider in the middle, you will get 150 free spins and a 50% deposit bonus, for example. You can tweak this in any direction you want, for example to a 70% deposit bonus and 90 free spins. The higher your deposit bonus, the less free spins you receive. Want more free spins? Then your deposit bonus will decrease.

Welcombo bonus terms and conditions

Only one bonus is allowed per household and/or per player account. Do note that Whamoo’s bonuses remain valid until seven days after the required deposit has been made. Once this period ends, the bonus is automatically flagged as expired by the system and can no longer be released. The expired bonus funds are then automatically removed from the player’s account.
Of course, there is a wagering requirement which must be met in order to withdraw your bonus money and any winnings which may derive from it. Real money balance is used prior to bonus balance. The bonus balance will only be used when there is no real money available in your account. Only real money funds and released bonus funds can contribute towards the wagering requirement of the bonus. The wagering requirement for the Welcombo deposit bonus and free spins is thirty times (30x) the deposit + bonus.
Do note that players that deposit money using Paysafecard, Skrill or Neteller are not eligible for the Welcombo. To assure fair gaming and prevent fraud, Whamoo has placed a maximum cap on bonus money wagers, which are limited to a maximum per round/bet of €5 or its equivalent in other currencies. You should also be aware that certain games cannot be played using bonus money. There is a full overview of these games on the Whamoo bonus page.
Bets placed in certain games might not contribute fully to the wagering requirements.

Recurring bonuses at Whamoo

The bonus fun does not stop at the welcome bonus when you play at Whamoo! You can count on a constant stream of promotional campaigns and bonus offers. The casino has recurring promo offers every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you deposit some extra money to your online casino bankroll on one of those days, you are eligible for a bonus. It therefore pays off to wait for these days before you decide to reload your online funds.
On Monday it is Pick ‘n’ Play day to start off the week with some good vibes. On this day, the casino basically tops up your deposited money You can:
It is even possible to combine these bonuses if you want to deposit a larger sum! Alternatively, you can use the bonus codes of WHPICK5, WHPICK15 and WHPICK35 by putting these into the promo code field on the cashier page every Monday.

Whoa Wednesday

Wednesday is for many a difficult day in the week, it being right in the middle of another long week of work. To spice up things, Whamoo has come with an unusual bonus which it calls “Whoa Wednesday”.
Every Wednesday you get to uncover your secret gift – for free, no strings attached. The casino will add this gift to your next deposit. This can be a bonus, a set of free spins, or even both. You’ll get all the details once you’ve pulled off the cover and logged into your account. You will receive the bonus details and promotional code, which you can use in the promo field at the payment page to receive your hard-earned Wednesday bonus.

Freeday bonus

Friday is the favourite day of the week for many people – and the reason why is quite obvious. It marks the end of another working week and the start of some well-deserved weekend R&R! For many people this involves paying a visit to a land-based or online casino to get their kicks at their favourite game, whether it is a card game, roulette or video slot.
Whamoo knows that many people cannot wait for the days off work to start and therefore has come up with a special Friday bonus to welcome in the weekend! This bonus day is called ‘Freeday’ by Whamoo. The casino basically hands you a bunch of free spins if you are a regular customer. For every weekday from the previous week (Friday through Thursday) that you’ve deposited 30 euro or more, you get 10 free spins. For every weekend day you even get 20 Free Spins! That means up to 90 Free Spins are yours to play with. That’s a great start to a weekend full of partying and fun!

Wagering requirements

Do note that wagering requirements do apply to all daily promo offers. These are more or less the same as we outlined above in the description of the welcome package, but do take a look at the bonus terms and conditions page on the Whamoo website to know precisely what you can expect! As always, it is important to read the small print in order not to face any surprises later on.
>> Get No Deposit Bonus Now <<

A fully mobile compatible casino

As a brand new online casino, Whamoo knows that already a majority of gamblers nowadays play on their mobile phones rather than on computers. Because of this, the Whamoo casino is fully compatible with mobile devices and tablets. If you load the Whamoo website on your smartphone, it looks just as good as on your laptop of computer. It’s equally accessible and orderly too! The mobile website is a breeze to browse through and you can easily access all the important pages such as the game library and payment page.
The same counts for the actual games themselves. Whamoo only works with software providers which are known to offer full mobile gaming support. These games are made in code such as HTML5, which means that the games can simply be played in your (mobile) internet browser. There is no download or special app required to play these games. Whether you are playing on your computer, tablet or smartphone, you simply surf to and select your favourite game from the library. This game will then open in your internet browser – and you can play instantly. It does not matter whether your phone runs on Android or is an iPhone, nor does it matter whether you have Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari or any other internet browser. Whamoo will function just fine!
This is absolutely great as you can now play at Whamoo wherever you are, whenever you want. Want to put down some wagers on the roulette table while you are sitting in public transport on your way to work? That’s easily doable! Just take out your smartphone on the train or bus, and surf to to play at your favourite roulette table. Are you sitting on your couch at home and want to play a few hands of blackjack before going to sleep? Just take out your laptop, tablet or phone and within seconds you can have some of the most exhilarating blackjack fun on your screen.

The Whamoo Live Casino

Whamoo’s live casino is powered by Pragmatic Play and NetEnt software – which are two of the biggest, most reputable software providers in the world. This is great news for the players, as you can access high quality tables in just a few clicks.
In the live casino, you are connected with a live video feed to a real-time casino table in one of the casino studios of these software providers. You can play games like baccarat, blackjack and roulette like you are standing in a real land-based casino in Vegas or Monaco! Thanks to the high definition video stream, you have a great overview of all the action which unfolds on and around the table.
All table games are led by experienced, professional croupiers and dealers who are not only well-trained, but entertaining as well. By all means, feel free to open your microphone or the chat window to have a talk with them, or even with other players from around the world. This is what makes the live casino such a great invention. Even though you might be sitting at home in front of your laptop or computer, it does almost feel like you are standing in a casino for real!
Especially for high rollers the live casino is a worthwhile addition as table limits are often much higher than in regular games. Of course, if you are on a tight budget there will definitely be live casino tables where low minimum bets are allowed too – no worries there. But it is the experienced, high stakes gambler who probably feels most at home in the live casino.
There are multiple baccarat, blackjack and roulette variants which you can play. For roulette, there is American Roulette, European Roulette, French Roulette, Speed Roulette, Live Roulette Auto and Roulette Macao Live. If you prefer the casino classic of blackjack, you will find plenty of different tables all with slightly different betting limits. Baccarat is perhaps the game with the highest betting limit. Besides the regular version, there are also Speed Baccarat tables. A fourth casino game which can be played live at the Whamoo Live Casino is Sic Bo. Just browse through the list of live casino games, or use the search function to find your favourite table!
>> Get No Deposit Bonus Now <<
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A Big List of Challenges (Problems/Goals/Complications/Encounters) for your adventure (including Social, Exploration, Stealth, Mystery, and Combat).

Hi! I have compiled a big list of challenges your players can encounter during the adventure.
If you find this list useful - please help me to improve and extend it!

Action/Adventure Challenges

  • Defeat a villain and his minions.
  • Defeat a monstecreature/horde.
  • Obtain a McGuffin (item, vehicle, money, magic artifact, spell, your lost/stolen valuables, etc)
  • Obtain Information (an ancient book, a piece of gossip, a clue, secret codes, a way to break the curse).
  • Protect/Escort /Guard a person/creature (a rich merchant, a researcher, a young prince targeted for assassination, a last of its kind monster, tax collector, witness).
  • Deliver a person (make sure they don't escape).
  • Rescue a person/creature (rescue a hostage or a kidnapped person, break them out of captivity).
  • Track, Find, Chase, and Capture/Catch a person/creature/vehicle (a criminal, a runaway, a ship, a lost pet, an escaped experiment, the infected).
  • Find and save the missing person (lost kid, caravan, courier, spy.
  • Deliver a valuable/fragile item/cargo and protect it from danger (artwork, cursed artifact, mysterious crate, a treasure map, a message).
  • Destroy the target (an object, a cursed item, enemy weapon or infrastructure, the enemy base, a piece of blackmail on someone, a source of infection, close a portal).
  • Sabotage a plan (disrupt a ritual, prevent a prophecy, undermine the invasion, stop villain from achieving their goals).
  • Capture and secure the base/location (enemy city, friendly city under siege, a building, a military target).
  • Defend a location (protect a village from monsters, a city from the enemy army, prevent enemies from passing a bridge or a tunnel, protect a crime scene, meeting site, warehouse, protect a ritual to ensure it will get completed).
  • Your town/building/ship has been captured and overtaken by enemies. Survive under siege, liberate it.
  • Robbery/Heist (rob a train or a blimp, abduct a person, commandeer a ship, steal diamonds from the casino, steal wand from the mage tower).
  • Protect many innocent people (save people from a natural disaster for example, release the prisoners/slaves).
  • Win a competition (Complications: your team is bad, the other side cheats, you can only win by cheating, the event is more deadly than it was supposed to be. You are competing for other purpose than victory, such as to keep another contestant safe, to spy on someone, or to get into the place where the event goes down, to prevent villain from winning, to prove yourself, to impress someone).
  • Prepare for the mission. Get equipment/supplies/transportation/funding.
  • Deal with the consequences of a botched/evil magic ritual.
  • Distract the enemies. Act as bait for the ambush/trap.
  • Train a novice, keep a noble person safe while they go on adventure.
  • Build or repair an object (by collecting McGuffin ingredients).
  • Perform a Ritual.
  • Law Enforcement - act as a police for a town.
  • Intercept a delivery, escort, communications.
  • Prepare and execute an ambush.
  • Act as an experimental subject for a crazy scientist/wizard (for dangerous potions).

Exploration Challenges

  • Survive/avoid environmental dangers (think of the place itself as the “villain”, it is a monster without HP that "wants" to hurt players or drain their resources, and has certain powers to accomplish that. Traps, cave-ins, lava eruptions, rock-slides, avalanche, collapsing buildings, impenetrable mist, wild animals, dangerous/poisonous flora, falling into a pit, getting lost, etc).
  • Overcome environmental obstacles (a river on your way, a closed gate, climbing a mountain, a swamp, quick sand, slipping hazard above the abyss, thin ice, wild magic area. Retrieve an item from the bottom of the lake.).
  • Travel through multiple locations to reach the target.
  • Explore the location (to learn about it, to map it, to figure out what happened here. To find bandit camps, enemy encampments, monster nest, a way through, resources).
  • Find a lost location/person/item/treasure/clues.
  • Scout for information, survey the location/region (ahead of group, enemy territory, monster infested territory, uncharted wilderness).
  • Clear location of danger (creatures, traps, haunting ghosts, curses, infestation).
  • Track something/someone, find a trail.
  • Deal with a natural disaster (storm, earthquake, flood, meteor).
  • Survival (without food/water, deal with harsh weather, diseases. Find shelter. Repair a ship or a radio. Find a way to get back home.)
  • Enter a guarded area (overcome defenses, defeat security, sneak in unseen).
  • Escape guarded location (break out of prison).
  • Use environment to your advantage (start an avalanche to block a pass, assume the most optimal position for combat).

Social/Intrigue Challenges

  • Convince/Persuade a person to do/say/give you what you want.
  • Intimidate/Manipulate/Blackmail/Force someone to do what you want.
  • Befriend/Seduce someone, make allies.
  • Gain confidence or forgiveness of a person who doesn't like you.
  • Find a non-combat resolution.
  • Get caught lying/cheating/sneaking, and rectify the situation.
  • Persuade a group of people (an organization, an angry mob, snobby nobles. Persuade the army to take a route that will slow them down/lead them into an ambush, convince the bandits to raid the enemy, convince farmers to donate food).
  • Gain social status, power, political influence (prove your worth, gain respect, impress someone, get elected).
  • Change someone's social status (make them look good/bad, get them elected, overthrow a ruler).
  • Run a kingdom/village/team/organization/business, lead an army (build a new one, restore the failing one to former glory).
  • Change the society/group/organization (raise morale, lower the crime, stop witch hunts, deal with corruption).
  • Gain control over the territory (invade a country or repel the invasion).
  • Put down or incite rebellion/mutiny/conspiracy.
  • Negotiate a deal, bargain (political compromise, hostage negotiations, trade information, convince them to sign a document).
  • Resolve conflict, broker peace, unite rivaling factions, settle dispute.
  • Establish political/trade relationships .
  • Navigate a strange culture/customs (without offending anyone).
  • Cause conflict/rivalry/war, pit people/factions against each other (get enemy minions to mistrust each other).
  • Deceive a person.
  • Set someone up, shift the blame to someone else.
  • Infiltrate a group, conceal your identity (cult, bandits, enemy citadel, thieves guild).
  • Find the spy/traitomole.
  • Deal with being blackmailed, spied on, threatened, manipulated.
  • Deal with a nasty rumor or important information/secrets about yourself being out there.
  • Defend someone (or yourself) in the court.
  • Prosecute/judge someone in the court.
  • Put on a show, entertain.
  • Redeem or corrupt a person (teach someone a lesson, seduce someone to the dark/light side).
  • Recruit people to your cause.
  • Find a way to get someone to owe you a favor, find a way to repay the debt you owe to someone else.
  • Enforcement - apply pressure to a person to get them to do something or behave in a specific manner, without killing. (Calm down the rowdy gang, collect the debts).
  • Get enemy soldiers/minions to defect and switch sides.
  • Create a disinformation/propaganda campaign (feed it to the enemy spy, destroy someone's reputation, saw fear in the hearts of the enemy soldiers).
  • Perform a con.

Mystery/Investigation Challenges

  • Investigate a crime (murder, assault, theft, threats, blackmail, destruction of “x”, disappearances, corrupt law enforcer).
  • Spying/Surveillance, gather information on a person/creature/location without being noticed. (Are they up to something shady, are they who they claim to be, discover their secret techniques, how are they bypassing security, how do they create “x”, involvement in “x”, what secrets are they hiding, where are they hiding “x”, where do they keep disappearing to, enemy troops, ).
  • Search for clues and put them together to reach a conclusion.
  • Find and interview witnesses, interrogate suspects.
  • Figure out what's going on, unravel a plot.
  • Figure out what happened in this location.
  • Find evidence (proof of innocence or guilt, expose a corrupt official).
  • Find out if the person is lying or keeping secrets, and what they are.
  • Figure out someone's plot/motives.
  • Figure out who's behind the plot.
  • Do research (find and read ancient texts, talk to old wise people).

Stealth/Heist Challenges

  • Steal (or plant) an item/information (modify enemy maps, plant disinformation. Plant clues to frame a person).
  • Escape from danger (overwhelming force, ambush, pursuit of the law or criminals).
  • Hide, cover your tracks, lay low.
  • Sneak through undetected (sneak past enemy lines to deliver a message to allied forces, sneak past the bouncers into a party).
  • Assassinate stealthily (sneak into the king's chambers, lure them out, use poison, make it look like an accident).
  • Deal with getting noticed / drawing an unwanted attention.
  • Clean up evidence (yours, someone else's).
  • Exchange a real item for a fake or vice versa.
  • Return a (creature, item) before anyone notices it's missing.
  • Sabotage (device, ritual) without being noticed.
  • Smuggle (creature, person, item) into or out of a location.
  • Security Testing - breach the clients security unnoticed.
  • Frame a person/group/nation for a crime.
  • Fake someone's death.

Villain's Moves

  • Personally confront the players.
  • Send minions after the players.
  • Hire a rival team of adventurers or thugs to go after players..
  • Send an assassin.
  • Send a spy.
  • Set a bounty on their heads.
  • Set a trap.
  • Setup an ambush.
  • Take hostages.
  • Threaten an NPC players like.
  • Frame players for a crime, declare them traitors/outlaws.
  • Reveal player's secrets, crimes they have committed.
  • Bribe the authorities/police to act against players.
  • Convince authorities/police that players are evil.
  • Make the public dislike the heroes.
  • Have a "dead man switch" that will hurt people or destroy something valuable if the villain is killed.
  • Know some information valuable to the players (like where hostages are kept, where the treasure is hidden), so players can't kill them, and must negotiate.
  • Set a time-bomb. Something horrible will happen unless players do what they're told.
  • Possess/blackmail/threaten an innocent person into doing their bidding.
  • Pretend to be someone else to deceive the players.
  • Befriend players to use them and betray them later.
  • Kidnap one of the players.
  • Join forces with another enemy of the players.
  • Plant false clues, create decoy trails.
  • Frame someone else for their crimes.
  • Kill hero's mentoally.
  • Cause mistrust, disorder, confusion, infighting among players or general population.
  • Hire people to commit crimes while pretending to be someone else to create mistrust/conflict among two parties. (Example: the bandits "from another country" attacks "local merchants", Start a plague in an uneducated city and have the "foreign merchant" sell snake oil cures, "native patriot" kills a "alien anarchist, etc.)
  • Put difficult choices in front of the heroes (like forcing Batman to save one of the ferry boats, to save Harvey Dent or Rachel).
  • Take away resources from the players (steal their items).
  • Give people the wrong idea about his powers/weaknesses.
  • Push player's buttons, play on heroes' flaws, temptations, fears.
  • Develop a good public image, make friends in the government, be beloved by the public.
  • Seduce player's allies to the dark side, convince/threaten them into betraying players.


  • Do it under time pressure (before the ritual is complete, before people run out of air, before reinforcements arrive, before or during the event, in transit, while you still have the chance).
  • Do it while competing with the rival team.
  • Unrelated people are interfering with the objective.
  • Do it stealthily (don't attract attention, don't leave clues, no witnesses).
  • Do it while pretending to be someone else.
  • Do it without revealing that your client is involved.
  • Prevent collateral damage, protect the innocents who are around.
  • Avoid violence. Defeat/capture the villain/creature without it being harmed.
  • Mitigate the risk, there's a high probability of causing a lot of damage if you're not careful.
  • Two challenges conflict with each other (you must break your stealth to help someone in trouble, capture criminal or save people who are currently in danger).
  • Difficult choice. Choose lesser of two evils, choose which people to rescue. Requiring personal sacrifice, risk, compromise.
  • Opportunities that come with a difficulty, cost or have negative consequences.
  • Resolve moral dilemma (the creature is dangerous but doesn't deserve to die, you're working for a bad guy, both sides of the conflict have valid points, completing a quest will harm people/environment).
  • Do it with incomplete information.
  • Do it with limited resources or without preparation.
  • Do it without access to powers you're used to having (while sick/injured/debilitated, in an area where magic is outlawed/disabled, having lost your equipment).
  • Locals here are unhelpful/hostile to you. You have low social status.
  • You can't trust anyone.
  • Doing it is illegal, or against authorities best interests, or is threatening a powerful group.
  • There are regulations/restrictions on what you can do hindering your progress.
  • Do it while being supervised (the media is all over you, a brilliant detective is on your tail, you are under suspicion, the enemy knows you're coming, you have a spy/mole).
  • Do it despite your flaws/temptations/fears.
  • It causes conflict/infighting within the team (player characters will have opposite goals/reactions to it).
  • Do it while working together with antagonist or someone else you don't like.
  • The side you're working for turns out to be evil.
  • The villain is someone you know/like/respect.
  • The villain is a respected public figure, celebrity, is liked by people or has authority over you.
  • Bad guy has a dead man switch, if he dies the others will suffer or treasure will be lost. Bad guy is the only one who knows the valuable information.
  • The people you're helping don't want your help.
  • Vital information turns out to be wrong.
  • Deal with the betrayal.
  • Mission has been rigged to fail from the start (PCs may be used as a scapegoat).
  • Objective is stolen before the PCs arrive.
  • Objective must be undamaged.
  • The important item has been transmuted and needs to be changed back, locked in a safe and needs a code to unlock, is a mineral that needs to be refined by a specific process. A book or a message is written in a foreign language that requires a translator.
  • Only a bad/unpleasant person can provide the item/information/favor you need.
Please leave a comment and contribute to this project!
I've had a few pretty huge epiphanies while writing this post:
  • Stories are fundamentally about problem solving. Roleplaying is fundamentally about problem solving. This is the fundamental "game loop" of RPGs - GM puts a problem in front of the players, and they find creative ways to solve it, that's what gives them fun stuff to do and feels satisfying to accomplish.
  • Adventure Ideas are fundamentally problems. They create an exciting, challenging, important goal for the players to accomplish.
  • Big problems are broken down into small challenges. But fundamentally, the big climactic adventure/campaign goals and the small challenges players encounter on their way are the same thing. Every scene the characters solve a small problem, and it drives them towards solving the big problem. That's what plot points are - players solving or failing to solve a problem, which moves them closer to or farther away from the goal. Which feels exciting/valuable/dramatic.
  • Conflict, obstacles, social/exploration/combat encounters are fundamentally just sources of problems. There probably are other sources that can generate problems.
  • It's all just nested challenges: Campaign Problem > Adventure Problem > Scene Problem. And any challenge can be used on any of these levels.
  • Therefore, the list above is a list of adventure ideas and plot points at the same time. Make any challenge very important/difficult/exciting to accomplish - and it becomes an idea for the adventure or a campaign. Make any adventure idea relatively small and simple - and it becomes a scene challenge (encounter). Put a number of smaller challenges in front of the players - and you've got your basic story structure (a list of encounters, the gameplay). Because goals and challenges are fundamentally the same, just the nested problems, they can be combined in any order to create any number of unique adventures.
  • Also, it means that you can take big story ideas from movies, TV episodes, published modules, and use them as ideas for small encounters. Shawshank Redemption, Alien, Jaws, Incredibles - they can be big campaign ideas, small adventure ideas, or just a thing characters do in a scene (escape from the prison, hide from a monster, defeat a big golem).
  • Game mechanics are also challenges. If there's an RPG system that gets players to do something awesome (GM moves in Dungeon World, Favors/Debts and Social Status mechanics from the Undying, Weak Moves from Dream Askew) - you can use those as challenges too.
  • Even a single challenge can create an unlimited number of unique stories - you just change the concrete details. McGuffins, NPCs, locations, etc.
Edit 2:
Wow, this is taking off. If you like this post, you will probably enjoy my posts on Adventure Writing Process, Adventure Template (a list of the most important questions to answer when designing an adventure), and Making Combat Awesome. If you want updates on my future posts - follow me here.
Edit 3:
Created a little "Story Generator App" that will pick the random challenges for you.
submitted by lumenwrites to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

True Flip Casino 30 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

True Flip Casino 30 No Deposit Free Spins Bonus Code

True Flip Casino Review & Free Bonuses
Every new players to True Flip Casino receive exclusive bonuses! Enjoy 150 free spins and 1,000 EUR (or 1 Bitcoin) free money! Plus, there's 30 no deposit free spins after registration. Click on the promo link and get bonus codes for the offers.
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Welcome Bonuses

The True Flip Casino is centred around a mythical place known as the World of Flip, and the idea is that the inhabitants of this world will give you lots of prizes and perks throughout your stay in this virtual world.
The first of these offers is the Welcome Bonus, which also happens to be the largest bonus offered by the site. When you join for the first time and make a qualifying deposit, you can collect a 150% bonus of up to 40 mBTC. You will also be given 50 Free Spins.
If you’re playing with traditional currencies, this equates to a maximum of €300, and you need at deposit at least €20 to qualify.
The playthrough rate is fixed at 35x and this must be cleared in 10 days before it can be withdrawn. If that period passes, the bonus expires and you lose your chance to collect.
All real money slots count for 100% of the wagering requirement. Table Games are 5%, while Video Poker and Live Casino titles don’t count at all.
Once you clear this first deposit bonus, you can collect another one, known as the Second Wind. It works in a similar way but is matched to just 50% for a much larger maximum of 0.5 BTC. Deposit 1 BTC and you’ll get 1.5 BTC to play with—a very generous offer indeed.
The Lucky Three bonus serves as your third matched deposit offer and gives you a maximum of 0.5 BTC. All in all, you can collect more than 1 BTC in bonus credits or, if you’re playing in fiat currencies, the maximum is €1,000.
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Other Bonuses

In addition to the Welcome Bonus, all True Flip Casino players can participate in unique games, tournaments, and more, while also collecting loyalty prizes. There are regular Free Spin Bonuses, Reload Bonuses, and more, but these change all of the time, so be sure to check on the Promotions page regularly.
The tournaments are one of our personal favourite additions to this website. It invites players to join real money slot tournaments whereby every spin awards points and boosts the player up the leaderboard.
We’ve always had a soft spot for these events as you don’t need to pay to enter and you lose absolutely nothing by taking part. If you were planning a slot session anyway, just join the tournament and in addition to those real money earnings, you may collect some prizes.
Of course, hundreds and even thousands of other players have the same mentality, so you won’t be alone and winning won’t be easy, but True Flip Casino doesn’t operate with the sort of huge player numbers found elsewhere, so you have a greater chance of walking away with a prize.
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True Flip Token

True Flip Casino is unique as a Bitcoin-friendly casino as it has its very own cryptocurrency, known as True Flip Coins. You can buy these through links placed on the site, links that will direct you to a leading currency exchange.
These coins were sold following an Initial Coin Offering back in the summer of 2017. The tokens were available for 0.0005 BTC each at the time. That would equate to around $5, and at the time of writing, True Flip Tokens are trading for a tenth of this amount. At the time of the ICO, Bitcoins were roughly a third of what they are now, which means these coins were available for a far more respectable price.
3,000 participants are said to have purchased a total of 6.2 million coins, with the rest of the initial offering being destroyed to instantly increase the value of the remaining coins.
If you’re really into cryptocurrency investment and enjoy playing at True Flip Casino, we recommend looking into these coins. However, we’re not here to make investment advice or to speculate, so we can’t advise one way or the other.
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Software and Games

NetEnt, Quickspin, Betsoft, and Pragmatic Play all provide quality 3D real money slots for True Flip Casino, and these are just a few of the many developers you’ll find here. Play games like Punk Rocker, Gonzo’s Quest, Starburst, Bells on Fire, Sticky Bandits, and more. In addition, it has games from the Quickfire platform, which is powered by Microgaming and includes titles like the hugely popular, record-breaking Mega Moolah.
As for the table games, these include multiple varieties of Roulette, Poker, and Blackjack, including Bonus Roulette, European Roulette, Magic Poker, Jacks or Better, and Pontoon.
Thanks to the inclusion of Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play Live, the True Flip Casino Live Casino is vast and diverse, from the sparkly and energetic Lightning series to gameshow classics based on Deal or No Deal, Monopoly, and Wheel of Fortune. It’s immersion at its very best, with high-tech streams, state of the art studios, and a team of friendly and attractive dealers.
There is a little something for everyone and all games are supported by mobile. Use the filters in the True Flip Casino games room to explore all of the following types of games:
  • Slots: A varied selection of bonus slots and video slots from some of the biggest names in the business.
  • Blackjack: Try your hand at Pontoon, Classic Blackjack, and over a dozen other takes on this great game.
  • Roulette: Includes French and American Roulette.
  • Cards: Poker, Baccarat, and other popular card games.
  • Dice: Includes both Craps and Sic Bo, as well as unique variants like Lightning Dice.
  • Popular: A selection of the most popular games right now.


  • Solid Customer Support
  • Good User Reviews
  • Live Chat Facility
  • Big Welcome Bonus
  • Great Design
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Payment Options

True Flip Casino blends cryptocurrency payment options and traditional payment options in a way that is sure to please everyone. Not only can you choose from popular services like MuchBetter and ecoPayz, as well as digital currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ripple, but you can collect big bonuses and take part in tournaments regardless of your chosen method.
All withdrawals are advertised as “instant” and in our experience, they actually are! That may sound like a redundant statement, but “instant” and “fast” are pretty broad terms in the online gambling industry. It’s like “premium” in the food industry—something you’ll see on everything from the finest steaks to the cheapest frozen meals.
In many instances, you could swap “fast payments” for “you’ll definitely get your winnings this year”, but with True Flip Casino, it genuinely is quick. We tried traditional currencies and cryptocurrencies and on both occasions, our winnings were available within an hour.
If you have an issue with your chosen payment method, just hit the Live Chat icon and speak with one of the company’s very knowledgeable and helpful customer support reps. This service is available to members and non-members. If preferred, you can add the company on WhatsApp (+447441951376) or send an email ([email protected]).

Everything Else

It’s important for online casinos to adopt strict responsible gambling procedures, and True Flip Casino does just that. It gives players multiple options to restrict their accounts, safeguard their finances, and get their gambling under control.
Some of the tools offered to problem gamblers include:
  • Registration Limit: Prevent yourself from ever becoming a True Flip Casino member.
  • Deposit Limit: Tell the casino how much you want to spend each month and set limits to ensure you can never go above these amounts.
  • Loss Limits: Instead of limiting your deposits, a Loss Limit will restrict your losses, which means you won’t be forced to stop in your tracks if you are on a winning streak.
  • Session Limit: Do you find that you take more risks and bet more money when playing for long periods of time? Limit yourself to specific timeframes to prevent this.
  • Wagering Limit: Restrict how much you can wager per game.
  • Time Alert: An alert that activate at pre-determined intervals and remind you how long you have been playing. An ideal tool if you find that time flies when you’re gambling.
  • Game Limit: Are you a dab hand at Poker but always lose money when playing real money slots? Use this tool to prevent you from playing slot games.
  • Self-Exclusion: When you’re ready to call it a day, use this feature. It will prevent you from gaining access to the site for a fixed period of time.
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True Flip Casino Reviews

Online casinos attract a lot of hatred, perhaps more so than any other industry. If you’re been involved with this industry for a long time and have played multiple casinos in that time, there’s a good chance you will have had numerous negative experiences. But how many of these are actually the fault of the casino?
Players leave bad reviews when they are required to submit verification information. They leave bad reviews when their country is restricted, they can’t gamble with credit cards, and when they don’t win. These are not the fault of the casino, but that doesn’t stop the deluge of bad reviews.
It’s one of the few industries where you can do nothing wrong, go out of your way to please people, and still attract a horde of bad reviews.
It’s a surprise, therefore, when sites like True Flip Casino have predominantly good reviews. In fact, we struggled to find any genuine unresolved complaints or scathing reviews, and that’s always a very good sign.
After all, this online casino has been active since 2017, which is more than enough time to attract a few angry, frustrated, and/or unreasonable players.
True Flip Casino reviews are overwhelmingly positive. Furthermore, the casino makes an effort to respond to all reviews, whether they are offering high praise or pointing out a few minor issues.
As mentioned in our many other guides to Bitcoin casinos, this is a very positive practice. It is proof that the casino is dedicated to pleasing its players at all costs. Many casinos don’t do this, and many of the ones that do tend to go about it all wrong.
In our casino review, for instance, we noted how the casino responds to fewer than 1 in 5 bad reviews and tends to be somewhat combative in these responses.
If you want to know how good a casino’s customer care is before you join, take a look at its reviews. Does the company respond and, if so, does it respond directly to the consumer and focus on their needs, or does it write in a way that speaks only to potential customers reading the comments?


True Flip Casino is a very attractive online casino that tries to be different and succeeds. It offers some big bonuses and even has its very own cryptocurrency. Participate in numerous slot tournaments, keep your eye on the value of True Flip Coins and Bitcoins, and play your favourite games safe in the knowledge that your account is secure and your wagers are fair.
Join True Flip Casino today to collect your share of the 1 BTC Welcome Bonus and explore this innovative and super-stylish online casino.
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